Privacy notice

1. Privacy: candidates

Your privacy is important for us.

All personal data that we obtain in the context of our interactions with you as (potential) candidate for a vacancy with a client will be collected and processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”).

This privacy notice explains why and how we collect your personal data, the measures we take to protect your data and how long we retain your data.

The GDPR also grants you certain rights as a data subject.

1.1 Identity and contact details

The data controller for your personal data is the following legal entity:

YouConnect NV
Congresstraat 35
1000 Brussels

Enterprise number 0521.697.672

If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can always contact us by e-mail or by letter to the postal address mentioned above (attn. Privacy).

1.2 Purposes

We collect personal data from you as a (potential) candidate to contact you with respect to vacancies with our clients, to assist our clients with the selection of candidates for vacancies and/or to make available interim managers to our clients.

We may also need your personal data in the context of accounting activities and litigation management.

1.3 Legal basis

We mainly collect your personal data because it is necessary to prepare or enter into a contract governing the provision of our services and for the performance of that contract with you.

We may also process your personal data because (i) you have given your consent thereto (for example, in case you have provided us with sensitive data), (ii) we have a legal obligation (for example, tax and accounting regulations) or (iii) we have a legitimate interest that requires us to process your personal data and that legitimate interest outweighs your (privacy) rights.

1.4 Categories of personal data

For the purposes mentioned above, we may collect and process the following personal data:

  • Identification information;
  • Personal details: including age, gender, date of birth, place of birth, marital status, nationality;
  • Contact details: including your name, address, landline telephone number, mobile phone number, private and/or personal e-mail address; professional position;
  • Work-related data: including CV, education, diplomas, language skills, employer (incl. background), professional activities, professional skills, publications, salary, assessment & development reports, interview report, reference checks, social media profiles;
  • Lifestyle preferences and personality profile: including hobbies, social activities, personality, community involvement;
  • Public data: including publicly available data (e.g., press reports, your profile on professional social networks);
  • Video recordings and/or pictures;
  • Other information provided to us.

1.5 Special categories of data

We will not process special categories of data (e.g., medical data, criminal data, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership) unless you provide it to us with your explicit consent.

1.6 Source of personal data

We collect your personal data in the context of our interactions with you as a (potential) candidate or interim manager. This includes information from interactions and job applications via our website, through our Job board, via Social Media (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter), via e-mail, by phone and during meetings, job fairs, trainings, seminars or promotional -and network events and from your CV. In certain circumstances we may also receive certain data from third parties such as your referees and from clients that forward your CV to us or retrieve such information from publicly available information.

1.7 Recipients of personal data

For the purposes mentioned above and limited to what is reasonably necessary, we may have to provide your personal data to the following third parties:

  • (potential) clients
  • companies that provide professional services to us or on our behalf (including but not limited to: accountants, lawyers and legal advisors, payroll administrators, hosting servers, data storage servers).
  • social security authorities
  • public authorities
  • judicial and police authorities
  • financial institutions and insurance companies
  • other third parties, in connection with corporate transactions (merger, consolidation, change in control, reorganization of all or part of YouConnect’s business
Our IT service, cloud, software providers and web development providers may also have access to your personal data, but only in the context of the provision of their services to YouConnect.

Your personal data is only shared with clients to the extent necessary for the evaluation of your suitability for the job application issued by the client. We will never send your resume to our client(s) without your prior approval.

We may share your personal data, if we reasonably belief that such action is necessary to (i) protect the legitimate interests of YouConnect, (ii) to defend YouConnect against legal claims, (iii) to prevent a crime or prevent or detect fraud.

We will not share your personal data with any third parties for the purposes of direct marketing.

Where we provide links to websites or other organizations, this privacy notice does not cover how these organizations process personal data. You are encouraged to read the privacy notices on the other websites that you visit.

1.8 Transfer of personal data

Your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area without appropriate safeguards.

1.9 Retention period

We will contact you with respect to vacancies with our clients until you inform us that you no longer wish to be contacted by us about such vacancies. We retain your personal data only as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law.

We will in any event store your personal data until 10 years after the end of our cooperation or agreement (if any). We may need to store your personal data for a longer period of time because a legal obligation or legitimate interest requires us to retain your personal data longer or because you have consented thereto.

1.10 Rights

You can always contact us if you would like to:

  • request access to or rectification of your personal data.
  • request erasure of your personal data.
  • request a restriction of the processing of your personal data.
  • object to the processing of your personal data.
  • request transmission of your data to another service provider.
  • send us a complaint if you consider that we are not acting in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. You can also introduce a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority (DPA) at https://, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel.

If we process your personal data (for example, sensitive data) because you have given your consent thereto, you can always withdraw your consent (without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal).

The aforementioned rights can be exercised by e-mail or by letter to the postal address mentioned under point 1. If considered necessary and proportionate and if we have reasons to doubt your identity, we may ask you to provide additional information to confirm your identity. If there are no other options, we will request a copy of your ID card (with your national number rendered illegible). We will use reasonable efforts to respond to your request within a term of 1 month (which can be extended if needed and in accordance with GDPR).

It is important for us to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of your personal data. Please also inform us when your personal data is not accurate or no longer up to date.

1.11 Automated decision-making

We do not engage in automated decision-making.

1.12 Security

We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your personal data and protect your data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access. We limit access to your personal data to our employees, contractors and service providers that have a business need to do so.

1.13 Amendments

This privacy notice may be amended from time to time within the boundaries of applicable data protection legislation.

Last update: May 2024

2. Privacy: clients - suppliers - public authorities

Your privacy is important for us.

All personal data that we obtain in the context of our interactions with you as a (prospective) client, (prospective) supplier or public authority will be collected and processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter “GDPR”).

This privacy notice explains why and how we collect your personal data, the measures we take to protect your data and how long we retain your data.

The GDPR also grants you certain rights as a data subject.

2.1 Identity and contact details

The data controller for your personal data is the following legal entity:

YouConnect NV

Congresstraat 35

1000 Brussels


Enterprise number 0521.697.672

If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can always contact us by e-mail or by letter to the postal address mentioned above (attn. Privacy).

2.2 Purposes

We collect personal data from you as (staff member of) a (prospective) client in order to provide our services and to govern our contacts. We collect personal data from you as (staff member of) a (prospective) supplier in order to receive products or services and to govern our contacts. We collect personal data from you as staff member of a public authority in order to govern our contacts with and obligations towards public authorities.

We may also need your personal data in the context of accounting activities and litigation management.

2.3 Legal basis

We mainly collect your personal data as (staff member of) a (prospective) client or supplier because it is necessary to enter into a contract and for the performance of that contract and to govern our contacts. We mainly collect your personal data as staff member of a public authority because we have a legitimate interest to govern our contacts with and obligations towards public authorities.

We may also process your personal data because (i) you have given your consent thereto, (ii) we have a legal obligation (for example, tax and accounting regulations) or (iii) we have a legitimate interest that requires us to process your personal data) and that legitimate interest outweighs your (privacy) rights.

2.4 Categories of personal data

For the purposes mentioned above, we may collect and process the following personal data:

  • identification data
  • personal characteristics
  • employment data
  • other information provided to us

2.5 Source of personal data

In general we obtain your personal data in the context of our interactions with you as (a staff member of) a (prospective) client, (prospective) supplier or public authority. This includes interactions via our website, via e-mail, by phone and during meetings, seminars or events. In certain circumstances we may also receive certain data from third parties or retrieve such information from publicly available information.

2.6 Recipients of personal data

For the purposes mentioned above, we may have to provide your personal data to the following third parties:

  • accountants
  • legal counsel
  • social security authorities
  • public authorities
  • judicial and police authorities
  • financial institutions and insurance companies

Our IT, cloud, software and web development providers may also have access to your personal data, but only in the context of the provision of their services to YouConnect.

2.7 Transfer of personal data

Your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Economic Area without appropriate safeguards.

2.8 Retention period

We retain your personal data only as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law. We will delete or anonymize your personal data as (staff member of) a (prospective) client or supplier 10 years after the last contact or the termination of our cooperation with the client or supplier (plus a verification period of 6 months). We will delete or anonymize your personal data as staff member of a public authority 7 years after we have obtained such data (plus a verification period of 6 months)

We may use your personal data for a longer period of time if a legal obligation or legitimate interest requires us to retain your personal data longer or because you have consented thereto.

2.9 Rights

You can always contact us if you would like to:

  • request access to or rectification of your personal data.
  • request erasure of your personal data.
  • request a restriction of the processing of your personal data.
  • object to the processing of your personal data.
  • request transmission of your data to another service provider.
  • send us a complaint if you consider that we are not acting in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. You can also introduce a complaint with the supervisory authority.

If we process your personal data because you have given your consent thereto, you can always withdraw your consent (without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing before the withdrawal).

The aforementioned rights can be exercised by e-mail or by letter to the postal address mentioned under point 2.1. If considered necessary and proportionate and if we have reasons to doubt your identity, we may ask you to provide additional information to confirm your identity. If there are no other options, we will request a copy of your ID card (with your national number rendered illegible). We will grant you all rights to which you are entitled in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Please also inform us when your personal data is not accurate or no longer up-to-date.

2.10 Automated decision-making

We do not engage in automated decision-making.

2.11 Security

We have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the confidentiality, availability and integrity of your personal data and protect your data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access.

2.12 Amendments

This privacy notice may be amended from time to time within the boundaries of applicable data protection legislation.

Last update: May 2024

3. Statistical data

By accessing the website, you agree that YouConnect may collect and store the data listed hereinafter for statistical purposes:

  • your IP address;
  • searches performed through the website’s search function;
  • the precise time and date you have accessed the website;
  • which sections of the website you have visited and in what order;
  • the location from which you have accessed the website; and
  • the url through which you have reached the YouConnect website.

The data will be used only to monitor what sections of the website are of interest to its visitors and to improve the navigation and the accessibility of information on the website. The data will not be used to identify you as an individual.

4. Cookie

The YouConnect website uses cookies to enhance its visitors’ user experience. A cookie is a small file that the website server will send to your browser and that is then stored on your computer. This cookie will improve the performance of the website (e.g. by diminishing the loading time of the pages) the next time you visit. Cookies may also be used to collect the statistical data mentioned under 3.

You may configure your web browser to issue a warning every time a cookie is installed, or for it to block the installation of cookies. However, blocking cookies issued from the YouConnect website may lead to a poorer performance or to the unavailability of certain parts of the website.

YouConnect nv

T +32 2 612 80 85
BE 0521.697.672

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Koning Albert II Laan 4 - 1000 Brussel

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Nederkouter 124 - 9000 Gent

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Posthofbrug 6/8 - 2600 Antwerpen

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Congresstraat 35 - 1000 Brussel

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